Training & Capacity Building

Training Programme on Ber Pruning

Three days training programme on Ber Pruning organized by ICAR- Central Agroforestry Research Institute, Jhansi at Village- Rajapur, Block-Babina in Jhansi district (U.P.) during 9-11 June, 2020. On 9th June, 2020 the team comprising of Dr R.P. Dwivedi, Principal Scientist (Agril. Extension) – Convener; Sh. Sunil Kumar, CTO; Sh. Rajesh Kumar Srivastava, ACTO and  Sh. Munna Lal, SSS visited village Rajapur. Rapport building and interaction with the farmers was done to create awareness about Improved Ber varieties and Ber Pruning. Ber pruning training was done in participatory mode. Practical exercises of Ber pruning were performed. Farmers’ participatory approach was followed. Extension approach i.e. “learning-by-doing” was adopted during the training programme. Farmers participated during question-answer session; the scientific and technical queries were replied during discussion. During training programme 15 farmers, farm women and farm youth participated. The Scientists and technical staff of ICAR-CAFRI, Jhansi have delivered talk and actively involved in question-answer session to clear the doubts of the farmers on various agroforestry related issues. The programme was chaired by Dr. R.P. Dwivedi, Pr. Scientist (Convener). On 10th June, 2020 the farmers of the village Rajapur visited the experimental farm of ICAR-CAFRI, Jhansi to see the Prunned Ber trees to develop the trust through principle of “seeing is believing”. On 11th June the team visited the village Rajapur and performed the training on Ber pruning at farmers’ fields. Farmers of Rajapur have shown their keen interest in Agri-horticulture system and tree plantation on bund and boundary. Farmers were actively involved in asking queries related to agroforestry systems

Training Programme on Ber Budding

Three days training programme on Ber budding organized by ICAR- Central Agroforestry Research Institute, Jhansi at Village- Rajapur, Block-Babina, District-Jhansi (U.P.) during 23, 24 & 27 July, 2020.

The team comprising of Dr R.P. Dwivedi, Principal Scientist (Agril. Extension) – Convener; Sh. Lal Chand, Scientist (Horticulture)- Co-Convener; Mrs. Aswathy Chandrakumar, Scientist (Agril. Extension)- Co-Convener; Miss Priyanka Singh, Scientist (Agril. Economics) – Co-Convener; Sh. Sunil Kumar, CTO; Sh. Rajesh Kumar Srivastava, ACTO and  Sh. Munna Lal, SSS visited village Rajapur. Rapport building and interaction with the farmers was done to create awareness about Improved Ber varieties and Ber budding. Ber budding training was done in participatory mode. All the subject matter specialists delivered subject matter talk to the farmers on Ber budding and agroforestry practices. Practical exercises of Ber budding were performed. Farmers’ participatory approach was followed. Extension approach i.e. “learning-by-doing” was adopted during the training programme. Farmers participated during question-answer session; the scientific and technical queries were replied during discussion. In the Ber budding training programme 18 farmers, farm women and farm youth participated. On 27 July, 2020 the farmers of the village Rajapur visited the experimental farm of ICAR-CAFRI, Jhansi to see the budded Ber trees to develop the trust through “seeing is believing”. Farmers of Rajapur village desired that in near future training on vermi-composting and fruit based agri-hori system may be arranged. Farmers were very much interested in various systems of Agroforestry. Farmers have shown their keen interest in Agri-horticulture system and tree plantation on bund and boundary. Farmers were actively involved in asking queries related to agroforestry systems. Shri Mahendra Yadav progressive farmer of the village proposed the vote of thanks.
