Research Programmes

Programme 1: Agroforestry System Research (ASR)

Areas of Research


Tree-Crop Combinations for Productivity, Profitability and Resilience including animal integration

Bankable Agroforestry Models for Demonstration and Promotion;



Package of Practices for efficient use of natural resources

Good Agroforestry Practices

Agroforestry Goods and Services

Tradable parameters for agroforestry produce;

Assessing the Ecosystem Services;

Watershed Management

Programme 2: Tree Improvement Research (TIR)

Areas of Research


Exploration, Identification, Screening, Introduction and Evaluation of superior germplasm for clonal propagation

Quality Planting Materials & for Industrial Agroforestry

Tree Genomics

Improvement of Productivity and Resilience

Identification of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests and Control Measures

Integrated Disease and Pest Management for Tree/System Improvement

Programme 3: Carbon & Climate Change Research (CCCR)

Areas of Research


Climate Modelling

Country-wide Site Suitability for promotion of Agroforestry

Ecological Forecasting and Niche Modelling of Trees and Crops

Best suitable agroforestry species/model for a given region/locality for farmlands and for restoration of degraded lands

Carbon Sequestration (Biomass and Soil)

Mitigating climate change

Agroforestry Mapping 

Agroforestry Atlas of India

Programme 4: Agroforestry Extension Research (AER)

Areas of Research


Strategies for Agroforestry Extension & Public Outreach

Effective Lab to Land Transfer; 

Science Communication;

Mass Mobilization

Database and Data Analysis 

Information for Services and Planning 

Monetizing the Agroforestry Processes and Economic Analysis

Socio-Economic & Ecological Impact Analysis & Value Chain Development

Output/Outcome Analysis

For Policy Making
