National Nursery Assessment and Accreditation Committee

Hosted at ICAR-CAFRI

Constitution of the committee

1. Director,ICAR-CAFRI , Jhansi  –    Chairman.


 2. Representative from (NAEB) , MoEF&CC   –    *Member.


       3. Representative from NRAA , MoA&FW   –    *Member.


4. Representative from CIFOR-ICRAF , India Office –   *Member.


5. Representative from ICAR , New Delhi  – *Member.


6. Deputy Secretary of MoA&FW dealing with Agroforestry  – Member Secretary.


7. Invited Member(s) – **State Representative of Nodal Agency.




*Nominated by different Agencies.
**States from where the proposal are received and/or considered by NNAAC


List of Accredited Nurseries

