Research Farm

The Institutes possesses 114.932 ha  (Research Farm area: 83.864 ha; Rocky, unutilized, Ponds etc.: 24.532 ha; 5.44ha- Roads and Office premises: 1.096 ha). Out of this about 30 acres land earmarked and handed over for the establishment of Maharani Laxmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi. Now Institute left about 254 acres land only. Major area is rocky and degraded land which was gradually developed. About 85% arable land have been utilized after phase development for various agroforestry experiments, bulk cropping, and block plantations. The research farm possesses seven shallow dug wells but their recharge is very poor due to hard pan (3-5 m below ground). Cultivation is totally dependent on rainfall and the operation of the canal.

Farm Calendar
