All India Coordinated Research Project on Agroforestry
The Co-ordinating unit of All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Agroforestry (AICRPF) is located at Central Agroforestry Research Institute, Jhansi w.e.f. April 1st, 1997 and a network of its 35 Coordinating Centres are in operation in different agro-ecological regions (View Map). Some of the salient research ahievements of AICRPF are :
- Diagnostic and design survey to identify indegenous agroforestry practices being followed by the farmers in different regions of the country has been completed and is in the process of documentation.
- Forest, fruit and other tree species which have scope for agroforestry in different agroclimatic regions of the country have been identified and agrotechniques for their successful cultivation developed and standardised at many places.
- Techniques for sexual propogation of high priority species such as Dalbergia sissoo, Azadirachta indica, Populus deltoides, Eucalyptus terticornis, Prosopis species etc. have been standardised. Seed orchards of promising species are being established at selected places.
- Crops and cropping sequences which can be grown successfully in association with trees during the establishment years and later on have been identified for different regions.
- Agroforestry systema have been dveloped for economic exploitation of almost all kinds of wastelands met in different regions of the country.