Tree Improvement
Research program:
Tree Improvement Research
Incharge :
Dr. K Rajarajan, Senior Scientist
Lab associate’s :
Ms. Sakshi Sahu (YP-I)
Ms. Varsha Chaturvedi (YP-I)
Mr. Neeraj Rishishwar (Field Assistant)
Mr. Shivam (Field Assistant)
Mr. Dinesh (Lab Assistant)
Mandates/target area:
- Germplasm collection, conservation and evaluation of multipurpose trees for economic traits
- Tree genomics for functional trait improvement in multipurpose trees
- Marker assisted selection of potential tree germplasms
Ongoing project/activities :
- Assessment of genetic potential of neem germplasm for higher kernel and oil yield using molecular markers (Funded by NRAA, New Delhi)
- Pilot the solutions of chip-based technology for real-time and RFID-passive monitoring of field gene bank and agroforestry species for scaling up
- Genetic characterization of Neem for high azadirachtin yield
Major achievements :
- Identified 11 neem high-yielding germplasms for kernel and oil
- Through functional genomics approach identified potential genes and pathways involved in drought tolerance of Pognamia pinnata
- Leucanea collinisii as an alternative species for pulp and fuelwood
- Genetic characterized Leucaena leucocephala and Pongamia pinnata genotypes for its end uses
- Studied the teak defoliator herbivory resistance mechanisms
Publications :
- K. Rajarajan* and A.K. Handa. Drought stress responses in seedlings of three multipurpose agroforestry trees species of central India.
- K. Rajarajan . A. R. Uthappa . A. K. Handa . S. B. Chavan . R. Vishnu . A. Shrivastava . A. Handa . M. Rana . S. Sahu . N. Kumar . A. K. Singh . S. Ahmed . M. Rana. Genetic diversity and population structure of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit genotypes using molecular and morphological attributes.
- K. Rajarajan1. S Sakshi1. M. Rana2. A. Radhakrishna2. R. Vishnu1. H. Anuragi1. A. K. Handa1. A. Arunachalam. Understanding the genetic determinants and population structure of Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre for oil yield and its properties using transcriptome derived SSR markers